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July 12, 2005 By Patricia Adams, N.H.C.
Calcium continues to get a lot of press; many clients are still coming in wanting Calcium. Their information has come from ads, articles, TV, or even their doctor, when most deficiencies point to Magnesium instead.
Much of my calcium has gone stale on the shelf since I've been doing the bloodwork. In all but two cases the client
has been laying down plaque and needs to be off calcium rather than seeking more. Coral Calcium enjoyed a time
in the limelight, but it turned out to be a very difficult to
digest sort of Calcium; Calcium Carbonate (more likely to cause bone spurs and arthritis than to regenerate bone).
This calcium should only be used short term to alkalize a
very acid condition.
We now have a plant-based calcium (three cheers from
the crowd) called Sea Calcium that will take the industry
by storm. It has already been clinically proven to increase bone density because it is absorbable by the human body. That's the way God intended it, the plant eats the rock
and we eat the plant. We can't get minerals by eating the rock, or the oyster shell; remember that the next time you
try to absorb the minerals from glacial milk!
We learned about this aboard the Holland America as she sailed her way to St. Petersburg, Russia and the Baltic Scandinavian countries on the NSP Top Achievers Club (TAC) trip this year. We managed to take the boys along because God blessed us with the trip for two!
NSAIDS are being pulled off the market left and right, proving what we Naturopaths have known all along, that
they are deadly. Most gastric upset, ulcers, IBS and even cancers of the bowel can be directly attributed to the use
of these drugs. And don't think just because you got them over the counter that they are safe. All NSAIDS, even Aspirin, are equally deadly.
Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs include (not limited to): Motrin, Aleve, Vioxx, Celebrex, Advil, Tylenol and...
Still taking an aspirin a day for your heart? You may want to consider the side effect of 'CARDIOVASCULAR RISK' (Sentinel, May 2005) from using it. When you think of that it doesn't make much sense to use it at all does it?
Many things in Nature thin the blood; garlic, onion, green leafy veggies, and ginger, use these freely! The side effect will be a boosted immune system:
Now they're pulling baby Motrin off the market; same deadly drugs, younger crowd. Many times I have watched, holding my tongue, as a child was medicated for a low-grade fever. Their tiny immune system knows that a virus explodes at 102, yet we medicate anything over 100. Let their body do what God created it to do! Let them build their immune system. Between this and all the vaccinations we administer no wonder children are suffering adult onset diseases earlier and earlier in their lives!
Vaccinations are still a choice, contrary to what the school system would have you believe. This is still America, and you have the right to the final say in your child's well being. My newest favorite book on the subject is Natural Immunity by Pat McKay, and I believe we are immunizing our children into asthma, arthritis, cancer, and autoimmune diseases. Carefully consider which, if any, vaccinations to give your kids and your pets! Studies do not verify that the vaccinations work, so ask your doctor for a copy of the clinical trial next time a vaccination is recommended.
CODEX threatens your health freedom; the battle rages on. Call or write to your congressman today to let them know there is nothing wrong with DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, 1994). It already provides protection and health freedom; we do not need Big Pharma to take over! (Biblical scholars; remember that Pharmacia was sorcery or witchcraft, and an abomination to God!)